This is this weeks poetry response. I'm starting to feel the cold weather so The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens stuck out to me this week. The poem is simple, only four stanzas with only three lines each. "Pine-trees crusted with snow," makes me think of all the pine trees that surround us here in Colorado and how they look when it snows. He says "one must have a mind of winter" this is true when winter is here and you look out your window you see the snow covered ground and trees. With the first snow people start to think about winter; getting their snow boots and coats out. "In the sound of a few leaves, Which is the sound of the land Full of the same wind That is blowing in the same bare place," this shows famililarity and consistency. Some of the only things that are consistant is the season, winter, spring, summer and fall. That is what is nice is knowing that winter is coming or going and so is the feelings of winter. Brrr I'm getting cold just reading the poem, so I'm going to go get some hot chocolate.
There is some good imagery in this poem. It makes me cold thinking about it!