"Sort of a Song" by William Carlos Williams is the poem I have decided to do this week. The poem is separated into two sestets: there are two stanzas. The first stanza explains how words are like a snake. The poem is more like a song as the title referes too. Both a writter of poetry or song have ideas like the movement of the snake. Most writters think quick and have to quickly write down their thoughts, which then sit there and wait to be read or sung. The second stanza reads,
"-through metaphor to reconcile
the people and the stones.
Compose. (No ideas
but in things) Invent!
Saxifrage is my flower that splits
the rocks."
The thoughts in this stanza is maybe that metaphors are the thoughts that split the rocks. The style of the lines and phrases is short and the tempo seems almost speedy but understanding. (the picture above is the saxifrage flower.)
Good, maybe a little deeper. You skim the surface on this one.